From the Front Gate of the Lent-Riker-Smith Homestead |
2023 Tour Info
There are no tours of the Homestead scheduled at this time.
Hope to see you next Spring!
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More About the Tours
Folks are free to stroll thru the garden and take photos. A diagram of the cemetery with the inscriptions of all 132 tombstones is included with the tour. A walk thru of the downstairs living quarters will be given by Mrs. Smith as well. Marion’s book, The Romantic Garden, will be available for purchase.
The Homestead is the oldest private dwelling in New York City and is listed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks.
Additional displays on view include Marion’s Collection of Carnival Chalkware Snow Whites, Carousel Artifacts, Broadway Theatrical Memorabilia, and, in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of WWI, the Ascenzi Family History.
Hope to see you soon!

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