The following, from New York Historical Manuscripts, is the actual text of the patent given to Abraham Ryken, describing the land in relation to its neighboring properties and landmarks. The Riker property is the only one that remains intact.



We, Willem Kieft, etc…testify and declare herewith, that in the year 1638 we granted to Abraham Ryken a certain piece of land located upon the Long Island opposite Rinnegaconck, where Gysbert Ryken’s is on one side and the highway running from the kil into the woods east north east and west south west and Hans Hansen on the same highway is on the other; containing along the kil in proper width 500 paces, to which aforedescribed parcel of land is added a third part of the hay marsh lying close behind the land of George Rapaelje and Gysbert Ryken, under express condition and stipulations, etc…

Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, 8 August 1640

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Last Updated March 19, 2008.

Copyright 2008 Michael M Smith.